Find A Job
College Central Student Log-In Instructions All students are eligible to use the Paine College online job board after completing the registration process through a site that has been specially designed for our college. Follow these simple steps:
- Go to the URL:
- Click the Student icon; then the link for Log in at Student Central. You have been pre-registered.
- Enter 5-digit Student ID number as your User ID
- Enter paine as the Password
If you receive the message: "You have either logged in to the wrong School, entered an incorrect ID and Password combination, or you are a first time visitor", go to the log in screen and reset your password at "Forgot Your Password?" You will need to use your school email address for verification; do not use phone #.
If you have any difficulty, please contact our office at (706) 821-8307 or
Enter all demographic information. Be as thorough and complete as possible as employers will search candidates using this criteria as well as the Job Agent will notify you of jobs posted to your school that match your profile.
For security reasons, if you were pre-registered in the system, you should change your password.
From your homepage, click Upload a Resume or Build a Resume. Either upload a resume you have typed or use the system's Resume Builder. Employers cannot find you without a resume in the system and you don't want to miss out on any opportunities.
- Click Search for Jobs Posted to My School, enter criteria specific to the type of job you are looking for on the search form, click Begin S earch. You may also Search for Jobs in CCN's Jobs Central national job database or in Intern Central, the national internships board. Because the national boards are so vast, use a keyword and specific city or zip to narrow the results.
- To monitor your resume activity, select View My Job Search History on your homepage.
- Review the Career Document and Media Libraries to get additional job search tips and career info via printed documents, podcasts, and videos.
Create a career portfolio to show prospective employers samples of your work and accomplishments that support your resume. Make the portfolio visible to employers when you have it completed. You can visit the job board at anytime, 24/7. Just click through to Student Central and enter your Access ID and Password and you're there! If you forget your ID or Password, go to the login screen to access it.
Log in frequently to check out new jobs, and keep your information and resume updated. Profiles not updated every 18 months and resumes not updated in 18 months will be purged from the system. When you graduate switch your status to Alumni to keep your account; just log in once a year to stay active.